They trust us every day to make sure that their contests run as smoothly as possible.

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Join more than 200,000 contest organizers, including 2,000 certified accounts!

Since April 16th 2019, dozens of thousands of contest organizers around the world have joined and chosen Pickaw to create and draw their contests.

Among them, we have more than 2,000 certified accounts, i.e. companies and personalities recognized by the general public such as Cdiscount, M6, Microsoft, LDLC...

They have all chosen Pickaw to improve their contest management and the transparency of their draws, which is a guarantee of very high quality in this environment.

Work together

What could be better than working in an environment that has been designed and conceived especially for you, but also with your help and according to your needs?

Pickaw has been developed to be in line with current trends and to facilitate the management of social media accounts. Whether it is thanks to the team system, accounts to be controlled, members or permissions, Pickaw is modular and allows a great flexibility in its use.

As a result, our customers are also direct companies, agencies or freelancers.


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