Privacy policy

This is a translation, only the French version is valid regarding the law.

1. Identification of the Data Controller

The Data Controller is the entity that determines the purposes and means of processing personal data collected on and (hereinafter referred to as the Site).

For the Pickaw Site, the Data Controller is the company Pickaw SAS, registered with the RCS of Marseille under number 848 523 338, with its registered office located at 40 rue du Berceau, 13005 Marseille, France.

2. Lawfulness of Processing – Access to the Site

The processing of users' personal data is carried out in accordance with the legal provisions in force.

This processing allows Pickaw to provide the services requested by the users of the Site, including access to the Site and its various features.

It is essential that the processing of personal data is carried out in a lawful, fair, and transparent manner, ensuring the protection of users' rights and freedoms.

Pickaw is committed to protecting the personal data of visitors and users (hereinafter referred to as the User), in compliance with the applicable regulations, particularly Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, known as the "General Data Protection Regulation" or "GDPR", and Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as amended, known as the "Data Protection Act" (hereinafter collectively referred to as the GDPR).

Pickaw processes data for which it acts as a joint controller with the . In this context, Pickaw provides a service intended to be used by the .

Please note that the Site is intended exclusively for a professional clientele (B2B activity). Social media accounts that may be associated with the use of the User's Account are intended for professional use and not personal use. Additionally, the Site is not intended for minors.

3. Data Collected by Pickaw and Purposes

Purpose of ProcessingPersonal Data CollectedLegal Basis
Managing the creation and use of the User's accountName, first name, email address, social media accountsExecution of the contract binding the User/the Client and Pickaw
Managing the subscription and provision of the Service in accordance with Pickaw's general terms and conditions of sale and useName, first name, email addressExecution of the contract binding the User/the Client and Pickaw
Managing the billing of the Service in accordance with Pickaw's general terms and conditions of sale and useName, first name, email address, phone number, postal address, quotes, invoicesExecution of the contract binding the User/the Client and Pickaw
Organizing platform demonstrations and prospectingName, first name, email address, phone number, employerLegitimate interest of Pickaw, in accordance with B2B commercial prospecting rules
Providing assistance and support to the User through their Account, chatbot, and/or contact form available on the Site, and/or other communication means (phone, email) provided by the UserName, first name, phone number, call history, employerLegitimate interest of Pickaw to respond to requests made by the User
Informing the User about Pickaw's services and activitiesName, first name, email address, phone number, employerUser's consent to receive Pickaw's newsletter
Participation in webinars organized by PickawName, first name, email address, job title, employerLegitimate interest of Pickaw to process your personal data to organize the webinar you have registered for
Managing contests (registration, selection of winners, prize sending)Name, first name, email address, phone number, postal addressUser's consent to participate in the contest
Tracking and analyzing Site trafficCountry of origin, connection device used, operating system used, version of the operating system used, connection origin, all or part of the IP address, trackersUser's consent to the deposit of cookies and other trackers on their browser
Statistical purposes via cookies or shortened linksCountry of origin, connection device used, operating system used, version of the operating system used, connection origin, all or part of the IP addressUser's consent to the deposit of cookies and other trackers on their browser

4. Data Retention Periods

The User's personal data, collected during the subscription to the Service, including those used for Account creation, will be retained by Pickaw for the duration necessary to ensure optimal management of the contractual and commercial relationship between the User and Pickaw.

As a general rule, accounting information is retained for 10 years, commercial data for 5 years after the end of the contract, data related to prospecting and customer relations for 3 years, data from cookies and other trackers for 13 months, and data from online chat for 6 months.

5. Current and Future Subcontractors of Pickaw

Pickaw relies on several subcontractors to provide its services. These subcontractors process personal data on behalf of Pickaw, in accordance with its instructions and in compliance with applicable laws.

Pickaw selects its subcontractors based on their ability to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data. Current subcontractors include hosting providers, payment services, customer relationship management (CRM), and other technical providers necessary for the proper functioning of Pickaw's services.

Pickaw's list of subcontractors may evolve over time. Pickaw commits to informing users of any significant changes regarding its subcontractors, particularly if this involves the transfer of data to a country outside the European Union.

6. International Data Transfers

Pickaw may transfer personal data outside the European Union, especially when one of its subcontractors or partners is located in a third country.

In this case, Pickaw ensures that data transfers are carried out in compliance with the provisions of the GDPR, by using, for example, standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission or by ensuring that the third country has an adequacy decision.

Users are informed about international transfers of their personal data and may request additional information on the safeguards put in place by Pickaw to protect their data during these transfers.

7. Rights of Data Subjects

The User has several rights regarding their personal data, such as the right of access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability, and objection.

These rights can be exercised at any time by contacting Pickaw via email at or by postal mail at the following address: Pickaw, 40 rue du Berceau, 13005 Marseille, France.

Pickaw commits to responding to the User's requests as soon as possible and no later than within one month from the receipt of the request. In the case of complex or multiple requests, this period may be extended by two additional months, in which case the user will be informed of the extension and the reasons for it.

If a user believes that their rights have not been respected, they can file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority, such as the CNIL in France.

8. Data Security and Confidentiality

Pickaw implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data and to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.

These measures include, among others, the use of firewalls, data encryption, and access restrictions to data to only those employees and service providers who need access to provide Pickaw's services.

Pickaw also requires its subcontractors to implement adequate security measures to protect the personal data they process on behalf of Pickaw.

In the event of a personal data breach, Pickaw commits to notifying the competent supervisory authority and, if necessary, the affected users as soon as possible.

9. Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Pickaw has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to oversee Pickaw's compliance with data protection laws.

The DPO is responsible for ensuring that Pickaw complies with the requirements of the GDPR and other applicable data protection laws.

Pickaw's DPO can be reached at for any questions or requests regarding the processing of personal data by Pickaw.

10. Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies

Pickaw uses cookies and similar technologies to collect information on how users interact with the Site.

These cookies enable Pickaw to understand how the Site is used, improve its services, and offer a personalized experience to users.

Users can manage their cookie preferences through their browser settings or by using the cookie management tools provided by Pickaw.

Refusing certain cookies may result in a degraded user experience on the Site.

11. Contact and Exercise of Rights

For any questions or requests regarding this privacy policy, or to exercise your rights regarding your personal data, you can contact Pickaw at the email address or by postal mail at the following address: Pickaw, 40 rue du Berceau, 13005 Marseille, France.

Pickaw commits to handling users' requests with care and providing them with an appropriate response as quickly as possible.

Users can also find additional information about their data protection rights on the website of the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés) at


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